domingo, 27 de abril de 2014

THE ECOLOGICAL BEING - Written by Kathy Schütz

The ecological being

When I hear the word “ecological” I associate it with something that is not contaminated, something that does not contain any chemical or toxic products, looking after the environment, the air, the water, the nature, the unnecessary wastage, healthiness, civic, the good and all that is natural.

Is it possible to talk about ecological people? And with that I do not mean people who do not use pesticides when growing vegetables nor people who recycle. What I am referring to is to what I would call “Ecological Being”: people who do not contaminate with their character and thus provide a healthy environment to themselves and to those who surround them.

What would be anti-ecological in a person? That would be any thought, statement or doing that creates an inner imbalance, a disharmony that violates their inner peace and equanimity. Any kind of gesture, word or action that comes from us and which disturbs the peace in the environment that surrounds us.

 Anti-ecological is for example to waste energy. I am not talking about leaving all the lights on in the house, but about our inner personal light, our own energy. A very common way of wasting it is through our speech, not taking care of what we say. Talking too much is tiring. Entering into anger and lack of control creates disharmony, it unbalances and leaves you without energy. Speaking aggressively and with lack of love is like an inner venom. Be careful, it is important to think before speaking. We have to think and choose carefully what we say as how we say them in the same way that we choose to eat fresh and not rotten fruit. We have to choose not to speak excessively and too loud in the same way that we opt for not eating in excess in order to protect our health and take care of our shape.

 There exist a large number of sayings that talk about this subject. Some are very well known, like for example “Loose lips sink ships” or “careless talk cost lives”. We grow up with these sayings and thus they are very old, they still have meaning in our modern society.

 We cannot obviate to emphasize how anti-ecological the misusage of talking too much is, of complaining all the time or gossiping. The negative comments or talking using sarcasm all the time is very damaging. These actions contaminate our being and the ones who are exposed to them.

 To be able to talk sweetly, in a soft and low tone is healthy and we should practice this logical way of communicating because it is a way of gaining the natural inner peace. It could be the key to happiness and peace.

 But how can we do this in our busy, fast pasted and stressful day to day which is so difficult to disconnect from?
There is an exercise which I consider excellent and which can be very useful, especially in moments of difficulties.  
It consists in asking yourself the following three questions before speaking: 
Is it true what I am about to say?
Is it really necessary to say it?
Could I hurt someone by saying this, being that person present or not?
If what you are about to say does not pass this “test” it is best to stay quiet and save the energy. 

An adequate action, a noble look, a sweet smile, a pleasant voice, a radiant face, showing respect, a humane gesture, serenity, the prudent silence are for me what characterises a person who is “ecological”. Each effort that we make and every achievement in this field will bring us closer to a world that is truly ecological and non-artificial.  

It is a great advance that the teaching of looking after the planet earth is included in today’s educational programs.  But ecology should not be limited to something external, it should include the “being”; it should transform us and help us to teach our children about the “ecological being”. What could be more important than to educate the new generations in such principles? We can commence to plant these seeds of harmony so that they can inherit the harvest of the fruit of peace. 

 If we give it the adequate importance, we can make it happen. 

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